• ISSO Commenting System

    Setting up the ISSO Commenting System for my HUGO Static Website

    After having an amazingly positive and swift experience building now two websites with the static website generator HUGO it was time to start focusing on the minor dynamic bits of the website. First, was to get a commenting system up and running. My ideal criteria were open-source, free, python-based and would work with HUGO.

  • Ad Astra Website Build Out

    Creating the new Ad Astra website

    I never really liked wordpress. First, it feels like old-tech (because it is ancient), and second good folks have kept trying to make it better and now it feels like a huge pile of slow jello (lots and lots of javascript).

    Web tech sure has changed...

    Web tech sure has changed...

  • Chichen Itza

    Part of our Mayan Adventures:

    Chichen Itza is one of the largest pre-Columbian temples in the Yucatán State, Mexico. It was a major focus point in the Maya Lowlands from year 600-900 (1118 years ago!)

    Chichen Itza Pyramid

    Chichen Itza Pyramid